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Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat 1st Edition

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Autoři předkládají komplexní aktuální učebnici o interpretaci analýzy moči u psů a koček. Její obsah je určen pracovníkům v prvoliniových pracovištích a specializovaných klinikách. Popsána je metodiky analýza moči v logické sekvenci od odběru a sběru moči, provedení kompletní analýzy (fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti spolu s mikroskopií močového sedimentu) a interpretace výsledků. Kapitola FAQ a kapitola o klinických případech poskytují snadno dostupné informace pro veterinární lékaře a techniky ve veterinárních praxích, ale také i pro studenty veterinární medicíny. Každá didaktická kapitola je navržena tak, aby poskytovala nejprve základní informace a poté pokročilejší poznatky podrobně popsané v každé kapitole. Některé poznatky zajisté přivítají i specialisté a postgraduální studenti.
Rozsáhlý přehled proteinurie je zařazen jako samostatná kapitola. Automatizovaná chemie moči pomocí stripu a automatizovaná mikroskopie močového sedimentu jsou diskutovány poměrně podrobně, protože tato technologie bude stále více začleňována do veterinární laboratorní praxe.
Text doprovázejí stovky kvalitních fotografií a lékařských ilustrací, které upozorňují na běžné i vzácné nálezy z moči psů a koček. Četné algoritmy navrhují možné cesty pro diagnostiku a léčbu poruch močení.
Tato publikace je určena k širokému využití ve veterinárních nemocnicích zkušenými a mladými ošetřujícími veterináři, kteří se chtějí dozvědět více o analýze moči, a také veterinárními laboranty. Několik oddílů této knihy bude užitečných při výuce základních pojmů pro studenty veterinární medicíny.
Autoři se v kapitolách zabývají:
Úvodem do filozofie analýzy moči a podrobné informace o sběru moči od psů a koček.
Komplexními průzkumy manipulace se vzorky moči, přípravy a analýzy.
Detailními aspekty USG vyšetřením jako nejdůležitější součásti klinického vyšetření močového systému.
Podrobnými diskusemi o chemickém hodnocení moči pomocí stripů na vyšetření pH, proteinu, krve, glukózy, ketonů a bilirubinu.
Detailními popisy mikroskopie močového sedimentu.
Sekce FAQ a příklady případů analýzy moči umožňují čtenáři otestovat své znalosti o dané problematice.

Autor: Dennis J. Chew, Patricia A. Schenck

Cena s DPH:  1348 Kč
Skladem méně než 5 kusů
Zboží máme skladem!
Základní informace
ISBN978 111922634
Počet stran 546

A comprehensive up to date textbook for performing and interpreting urinalysis in dogs and cats with content that remains accessible to those in primary care and specialty practices.

In Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat, a logical sequence to collection of urine, performing the complete urinalysis (physical and chemical properties along with urinary sediment microscopy), and interpretation of results is presented. The FAQ chapter and the chapter on urinalysis case examples provide easily accessible information for primary care veterinarians and technicians as well as veterinary students. Each didactic chapter is designed to provide basic information first and then more advanced materials deeper into each chapter. Some materials will also be useful to specialists and those in advanced training. An extensive review of proteinuria is included as a separate chapter. Automated urine chemistry by dipstrip and automated urinary sediment microscopy are discussed in some detail as this technology increasingly will be incorporated in veterinary laboratory practice.

The text is accompanied by hundreds of high-quality photographs and medical illustrations that highlight common and rare findings from the urine of dogs and cats. Numerous algorithms suggest possible pathways for the diagnosis and treatment of urinary disorders.

This book is destined to be widely used in veterinary hospitals by seasoned and young attending veterinarians seeking to know more about urinalysis, as well as by veterinary laboratory technicians. Several sections of this book will be useful in the teaching of basic concepts to veterinary students.

The authors have also included:

An introduction to the philosophy of urinalysis and the detailed information about collection of urine from dogs and cats.
Comprehensive explorations of urine sample handling, preparation, and analysis.
Detailed aspects of USG as the most important physical property of canine and feline urine
In-depth discussions of urine chemistry dipstrip evaluation for pH, protein, occult blood, glucose, ketones, and bilirubin.
Extensive detailing of urinary sediment microscopy.
Sections on FAQ and urinalysis case examples allow the reader to test their knowledge about urinalysis.
Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat is an essential reference for primary care veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary students, those in advanced training programs, and specialists interested in learning more about disorders of the urinary tract.
A comprehensive up to date textbook for performing and interpreting urinalysis in dogs and cats with content that remains accessible to those in primary care and specialty practices.

In Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat, a logical sequence to collection of urine, performing the complete urinalysis (physical and chemical properties along with urinary sediment microscopy), and interpretation of results is presented. The FAQ chapter and the chapter on urinalysis case examples provide easily accessible information for primary care veterinarians and technicians as well as veterinary students. Each didactic chapter is designed to provide basic information first and then more advanced materials deeper into each chapter. Some materials will also be useful to specialists and those in advanced training. An extensive review of proteinuria is included as a separate chapter. Automated urine chemistry by dipstrip and automated urinary sediment microscopy are discussed in some detail as this technology increasingly will be incorporated in veterinary laboratory practice.

The text is accompanied by hundreds of high-quality photographs and medical illustrations that highlight common and rare findings from the urine of dogs and cats. Numerous algorithms suggest possible pathways for the diagnosis and treatment of urinary disorders.

This book is destined to be widely used in veterinary hospitals by seasoned and young attending veterinarians seeking to know more about urinalysis, as well as by veterinary laboratory technicians. Several sections of this book will be useful in the teaching of basic concepts to veterinary students.

The authors have also included:

An introduction to the philosophy of urinalysis and the detailed information about collection of urine from dogs and cats.
Comprehensive explorations of urine sample handling, preparation, and analysis.
Detailed aspects of USG as the most important physical property of canine and feline urine
In-depth discussions of urine chemistry dipstrip evaluation for pH, protein, occult blood, glucose, ketones, and bilirubin.
Extensive detailing of urinary sediment microscopy.
Sections on FAQ and urinalysis case examples allow the reader to test their knowledge about urinalysis.
Urinalysis in the Dog and Cat is an essential reference for primary care veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary students, those in advanced training programs, and specialists interested in learning more about disorders of the urinary tract.

1 Renal Anatomy, Physiology, and Evaluation of Function1
2 Introduction to Urinalysis37
3 Urine Sample Collection and Handling42
4 Physical Properties of Urine64
5 Chemical Properties of Urine125
6 Examination of Urinary Sediment161
7 Proteinuria236
8 Atlas317
9 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)383
10 Case Studies406